Sr.No.Property & Description1BackgroundGets or sets a brush that provides the background of the control. (Inherited from Control)2BorderBrushGets or sets a brush that describes the border fill of a control. (Inherited from Control)3BorderThicknessGets or sets the border thickness of a control. (Inherited from Control)4ContentGets or sets the content of a ContentControl. (Inherited from ContentControl)5ClickModeGets or sets a value that indicates when the Click event occurs, in terms of device behavior. (Inherited from ButtonBase)6ContentTemplateGets or sets the data template that is used to display the content of the ContentControl. (Inherited from ContentControl)7FontFamilyGets or sets the font used to display text in the control.
(Inherited from Control)8FontSizeGets or sets the size of the text in this control. (Inherited from Control)9FontStyleGets or sets the style in which the text is rendered.
If you add the following code in App class in App.xaml.cs, then it changes based on the regional settings customization (Control Panel-Regional and Language Options-Regional Options-Standards and formats-customize dropdown).
(Inherited from Control)10FontWeightGets or sets the thickness of the specified font. (Inherited from Control)11ForegroundGets or sets a brush that describes the foreground color. (Inherited from Control)12HeightGets or sets the suggested height of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement)13HorizontalAlignmentGets or sets the horizontal alignment characteristics that are applied to a FrameworkElement when it is composed in a layout parent, such as a panel or items control.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement)14IsCheckedGets or sets whether the ToggleButton is checked. (Inherited from ToggleButton)15IsEnabledGets or sets a value indicating whether the user can interact with the control. (Inherited from Control)16IsPressedGets a value that indicates whether a ButtonBase is currently in a pressed state.
Wpf App.xaml Check Settings Value Chart
(Inherited from ButtonBase)17IsThreeStateGets or sets a value that indicates whether the control supports three states. (Inherited from ToggleButton)18MarginGets or sets the outer margin of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement)19NameGets or sets the identifying name of the object. When a XAML processor creates the object tree from XAML markup, run-time code can refer to the XAML-declared object by this name.
C++ Xaml App
(Inherited from FrameworkElement)20OpacityGets or sets the degree of the object's opacity. (Inherited from UIElement)21ResourcesGets the locally defined resource dictionary. In XAML, you can establish resource items as child object elements of a frameworkElement. Resources property element, through XAML implicit collection syntax.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement)22StyleGets or sets an instance Style that is applied for this object during layout and rendering. (Inherited from FrameworkElement)23TemplateGets or sets a control template. The control template defines the visual appearance of a control in UI, and is defined in XAML markup. (Inherited from Control)24VerticalAlignmentGets or sets the vertical alignment characteristics that are applied to a FrameworkElement when it is composed in a parent object such as a panel or items control. (Inherited from FrameworkElement)25VisibilityGets or sets the visibility of a UIElement. A UIElement that is not visible is not rendered and does not communicate its desired size to layout.
(Inherited from UIElement)26WidthGets or sets the width of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement)Commonly Used Methods of CheckBox Given below are the most commonly used methods of CheckBox. Sr.No.Method & Description1ClearValueClears the local value of a dependency property. (Inherited from DependencyObject)2FindNameRetrieves an object that has the specified identifier name. (Inherited from FrameworkElement)3OnApplyTemplateInvoked whenever application code or internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass) call ApplyTemplate. In simplest terms, this means the method is called just before a UI element displays in your app.
Override this method to influence the default post-template logic of a class. (Inherited from FrameworkElement)4OnContentChangedInvoked when the value of the Content property changes. (Inherited from ContentControl)5OnDragEnterCalled before the DragEnter event occurs.
(Inherited from Control)6OnDragLeaveCalled before the DragLeave event occurs. (Inherited from Control)7OnDragOverCalled before the DragOver event occurs. (Inherited from Control)8OnDropCalled before the Drop event occurs. (Inherited from Control)9OnGotFocusCalled before the GotFocus event occurs. (Inherited from Control)10OnKeyDownCalled before the KeyDown event occurs. (Inherited from Control)11OnKeyUpCalled before the KeyUp event occurs. (Inherited from Control)12OnLostFocusCalled before the LostFocus event occurs.
(Inherited from Control)13OnToggleCalled when the ToggleButton receives toggle stimulus. (Inherited from ToggleButton)14SetBindingAttaches a binding to a FrameworkElement, using the provided binding object. (Inherited from FrameworkElement)Commonly Used Events of CheckBox Given below are the most commonly used events of CheckBox.